Why Don't You Get a Job?


Coding skills are no longer enough. 

If you thought specialization in your career meant picking J2EE, SE, or ME, get ready for a rough ride.
More and more analysts are saying that it's not enough to be "just" a programmer anymore. According to the
IDN article Survey: CIOs Want Devs with More Business Skills, featured in the Also in Java Today section,
a survey of 90 top CIO/CTO executives say that tech leadership will put a premium on business-savvy IT
professionals. "The SIM survey found that programmer-only skills were falling in demand, when compared to
IT staff with a business and project management background."


「有能な技術者来て下さーい」という前に、環境整備と教育を進めるほうが建設的なのでは? もちろん、環境整備と教育を進めるための有能な人物のスカウトはありだけどね。