以下は、OSCache を使い始めた頃にメモったものです。なんとなく捨てちゃうのももったいないし、デスクトップに置いておいてもなんなので、こっちに置いてみました。まだろくにソースに目を通していない頃の戯言なので、突っ込みどころ満載だろうなぁ。
TODO: 内容があまりにもいい加減なものは、後日検閲しようw
Brief Feature List
Expiry of Cache Entries - You have a huge amount of control over how cached objects expire, including pluggable RefreshPolicies if the default functionality does not meet your requirements.
RefreshPolicies の strategy を注入する感じなのかな?
Feature List
Fast in-memory caching
The cache is keyed programmatically. This means you can calculate a cache key that works for your situation. For example an ecommerce site might use product ID as keys, or content site might use an article date and article ID combination.
これは、一見長所のような書き方をしているけど、実はKeyがStringに限定されるということですよね? ライブラリ開発者の視点から見ると理にかなってますが、ライブラリ利用者の視点からみると使いづらいかも。しかし、ディスクへのストアを考えると、hashCode() と equals() による一意性の判断はキビシそうです。なぜなら、データをgetする際にはキーの比較が必要であり、キーがオブジェクトだとディスクからデータをとってくる場合にキーオブジェクトがオンメモリに無ければいけない。Ehcacheはどうやってるんだろう?とおもい、Ehcacheのソースを見てみた。メモリ上に、キーのマップを持ってました。キーオブジェクトが巨大なら、ディスク上にデータをストアしたところでメモリを圧迫するんですね、、、。
The cache is stored in standard scopes that any JSP programmer is familiar with (application or session). The session scope allows you to have different cached content per user. This is one unlike any other caching system we've ever seen.
Persistent on-disk caching
OSCache can also write the cache to disk. This provides caching across server restarts, and caching of datasets that do not fit into memory. Caching can be configured to use memory or file caching, or a combination of both.
If you want to persist the cache to somewhere other than disk, you can plug in a custom PersistenceListener. This allows you to persist the cache to anywhere (for example to a database via JDBC or to LDAP via JNDI).
外部へのキャッシュ情報の保存が、PersistenceListener という形で抽象化されているということですね。デフォルトでは、DiskPersistenceListener と HashDiskPersistenceListener が用意されてます。
Ehcacheの場合は、Storeというインタフェースで概念を抽象化しているのはいいのですが、CacheManagerでべたべたな実装してますね。設定パラメータでもdiskStoreという言葉使っちゃってるし。しかし、CacheのcreateDiskStore()メソッドをオーバーライドすれば何とかなりそうな感じですね。では、Cacheを作成しているのはどこかというと、CacheManager中でConfigurationHelperを呼び出して作成している。ConfigurationHelperは、CacheManager の privateメソッドのinit()内で作成している。そしてそのinit()は、CacheManagerのコンストラクタから呼ばれている。ということで、CacheManagerを継承してやればいけそうです。しかし、ここまでする人あまりいないでしょうね。
When using both disk caching and memory caching. It is possible to limit the cache size to avoid using too much memory but let disk cache unlimited, resulting in browser style complementary disk cache. When cached objects are removed from memory, they are still on disk. If the item is needed again and it is not expired the cache file will be used. This also gives fault tolerance if the server crashes.
Persistence can also be switched to overflow mode using the property oscache.persistence.overflow.only. This changes the default behavior (of persisting every cache entry when there is a listener) to only persist when the memory cache capacity has been reached.
oscache.persistence.overflow.only プロパティをセットすると、メモリキャッシュが溢れた場合のみPersistenceListenerに永続化されるようです。
Excellent Performance
Written with performance in mind.
Mulitple cache requests can be handled concurrently.
Only one requesting thread needs to update an expired cache entry even if multiple threads are requesting it simultaneously. Other threads can be configured to either receive the recently-expired object, or block until the cached object is updated. Similarly, when a new entry is being added to the cache, other threads requesting that entry will block until it is ready rather than run off and race to build the same object. In a high load environment this can provide enormous performance benefits.
Clustering support
OSCache can easily be configured to cluster across multiple boxes. This provides both scalability and failover support without any changes required in your caching code.
Flexible Caching System
You are given a huge amount of control over the way cached objects expire. Objects can be cached indefinitely, expired once they reach a certain age, or expired based on a cron expression. Programmatic flushing is also possible, and if that is still not enough pluggable RefreshPolicies allow custom refresh strategies.
Cached objects can be grouped together however you like, allowing for powerful management of cached data. This is an extremely useful feature that is far more powerful than what other caching solutions typically offer (such as the flushing of cache keys that match a particular pattern).
Fully event driven! OSCache fires events for various happenings 'under the hood' such as cache entry events (adding, updating, flushing and removing) and cache accesses (hit, stale hit and miss). It is easy to add your own event handlers.
Multiple caches can be created, each with their own unique configuration.
Comprehensive API
For the ultimate control, OSCache can be used through its straightforward API. You can instantiate, configure and control multiple caches programmatically. It would be possible for example to create one small in-memory cache that held currency conversion rates and was updated daily at 2am, while another cache could be purely disk based and used for holding dynamically created images.
Cache Flushing
Flushing of caches can be controlled via JSP Tags, so these functions can easily be built into your administration interface.
Cached objects can be expired in a number of ways. Objects can be told to expire once they reach a certain age, or, through the use of cron expressions, on particular dates and/or times (eg it is trivial to make an object expire every weekday at 3am). If this is not enough, you can expire objects programmatically as required, or plug in your own custom RefreshPolicy class that can dynamically decide when an object should be flushed.
Entire groups of objects can be easily flushed from the cache. For example suppose you were caching product data as well as entire pages of your website. When a product was updated, you could flush not just the product object but also all the pages that contain information about that product. No more waiting for the cached objects to expire before the updated content shows up on your site!